Digital Transformation

Digital transformation refers to the changes associated with the application of digital technology in all aspects of human society.Digital transformation may be thought as the third stage of embracing digital technologies: digital competence → digital literacy → digital transformation. The latter stage means that digital usages inherently enable new types of innovation and creativity in a particular domain, rather than simply enhance and support the traditional methods.
In a narrower sense, "digital transformation" may refer to the concept of "going paperless".
Digital transformation affects both individual businesses and whole segments of the society, such as government, mass communications, art,medicine. or science 
In November 2011, a three-year study conducted by the MIT Center for Digital Business and Capgemini Consulting concluded that only one-third of companies globally have an effective digital transformation program in place.
The study defined an "effective digital transformation program" as one that addressed

  • "The What": the intensity of digital initiatives within a corporation
  • "The How": the ability of a company to master transformational change to deliver business results.
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Belakangan ini saya sering mendengar kata digital transformasi atau era digital, dimana perusahaan mulai meninggalkan metode lama menyebar brosur di pinggir pinggir jalan dan memakai atau merekrut para ahli IT dan Master SEO sebagai strategi meningkatkan penghasilan bisnisnya.  Beberapa perusahaan malah membangun atau punya gedung atau kantor sendiri untuk para ahli IT dan SEO nya. Dengan memiliki produk berkualitas tenaga IT dan SEO yang handal perusahaan bisa menjadi raja di dunia bisnis. Lalu siapakah Master SEO yang bisa anda ajak bekerja sama untuk memajukan bisnis anda cari saja di google dengan mengetikan kata Master SEO atau Master SEO indonesia.
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